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Welcome to OTIK Health

CDS (Community Development)


Community Development Services (CDS) offers a comprehensive blend of community-based initiatives and workshop activities designed to enrich the lives of individuals participating in our program. At our CDS activity center, participants engage in diverse activities carefully cu- rated to cater to their interests and needs.

Upon joining our program, individuals receive a detailed calendar outlining daily activities and
personalized alternative optionsv tailored to their preferences. Through regular conversations
and assessments, our team identifies opportunities for participants to enhance their daily ex-
periences and introduces them to familiar and new activities.

Our activity roster encompasses a broad spectrum of offerings, including swimming, culinary classes, foundational literacy, and numeracy workshops, grocery shopping excursions, dining experiences, arts and crafts sessions, various sports activities, and hiking adventures. These activities are conducted in various formats, including small and large group settings, as well as one-on-one interactions, ensuring that each participant receives tailored support and attention. By fostering a dynamic environment that encourages exploration, learning, and social in-teraction, CDS empowers individuals to lead fulfilling lives and actively engage with their

Direct Support Professionals (DSP): Our compassionate DSPs provide personalized care and support to participants, ensuring their safety, comfort, and overall well-being throughout their community engagements.
CDS Program Coordinators: These coordinators play a pivotal role in orchestrating structured activities that cater to the preferences and interests of participants. By curating a diverse range of activities, they create enriching experiences that promote skill develop- ment and social interaction within the community.
Registered Nurses: Our team includes qualified registered nurses who offer medical expertise and support as needed. They play a crucial role in monitoring participants’ health and well-being during community activities, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all involved.

Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to person-centered care, OTIK’s Community Development Services empower participants to actively participate in community life, cultivate meaningful relationships, and achieve their desired outcomes with confidence

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